Monday, March 28, 2011

Retreat at the Bear Lake Training Center :)

Hi friends!!

A few weekends ago a group I'm involved in, FOCUS (Fellowship of Christian University Students), went on a retreat up to the Bear Lake Training Center in Garden, City, UT. This retreat center (basically a large cabin) is owned by Utah State University and is used by different groups at USU for weekend retreats. It has a full kitchen, a sweet hangout central area with a fireplace and comfy chairs, rooms full of bunk beds and a beautiful view of Bear Lake.

We spent the weekend playing games, eating good food, bonding, and talking about our walks with God. FOCUS is associated with Campus Crusade for Christ, an international, interdenominational Christian ministry for college students. I've been a part of it for all of my years at USU and the people I've met through FOCUS will be lifelong friends.

One highlight of the weekend was watching three crazy, brave souls (all dudes) run out into the snow and make snow angels (in their SWIMSUITS). I will spare you the incriminating evidence of the act, but trust me, it was entertaining. :)

Hopefully you will get a chance to experience a retreat at the Bear Lake Training Center while at Utah State. My advice: Get involved! Find a club or two, be a part of something bigger than yourself, and be willing to take risks while you're here. College is a time of stretching, growing, and discovering who you really are.

Shayla :)

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