Saturday, October 10, 2009

A Little Bit About Me...and Why I'm Here

Hey guys! Just wanted to write a brief post about me and why I chose to come to Utah State University. I was born and raised in Utah (Riverton, Utah--yeah Silverwolves!). My parents are both from out of state, so I grew up visiting other parts of the country quite frequently. I am a Secondary Math Education Major with a Latin Teaching Minor.

You may be asking: So Shayla, why Utah State?

Well, let me tell ya, I was NOT planning on coming to school here. I applied to several other schools in-state (USU, U of U, Westminster, SUU) and a couple out of state (UCONN, Colorado School of Mines). I got accepted to all of them, and I got great scholarships from most of them. So it was a tough call. But the crazy thing is, I had almost completely thrown out the idea of going to Utah State. I was trying to decide between U of U and SUU, thinking that if I didn't even consider Utah State, my life would be easier. But then I got invited to Scholars' Day.

I took my campus tour and my world was turned upside down.

I fell IN LOVE with Utah State and its campus. I fell in love with the old, collegiate and regal buildings, the college-feel, the college town, the residence halls, the TSC, Old Main, the Quad surrounded by trees--it just felt like college should feel. I could totally picture myself walking from class to class, chatting with classmates about nerdy details of the previous lecture, and enjoying every stinkin' minute of it. Cheesy, I know, but OH-so-true. And that was that. While my father and I drove home, all I could think about was college. And Utah State. And how I was so excited to spend the next 4 (or 5, or 6) years there. The rest is history.

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